Please note that the content available on this website does not contain legal advice, nor does it constitute an offer or an invitation to make an offer according to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code. The sole purpose of the website is to introduce my law firm and to provide general information to enable you to obtain information on some of the basic elements of the operation of my law firm, which will help you to choose your future legal representative.

This website is maintained by Dániel Palotai dr., attorney-at-law registered with the Budapest Bar Association (seat: H-1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7.) with register number 16473, record number 36066727, file number 116726 of the Budapest Bar Association. The contents of this website are in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, especially the Code of Ethics for the Legal Profession and Resolution No. 2/2001 (IX. 3.) of the Presidium of the Hungarian Bar Association on the content of the website of lawyers, which, along with information on clients’ rights, can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association (